Join the Pavilion Waiting List - Kia Oval Skip to main content

Surrey County Cricket Club have launched a new ticketing system, and with it a waiting list to secure a Surrey and England seat in the Micky Stewart Members’ Pavilion for the 2022 season.

Surrey County Cricket Club Members can join a waiting list, by clicking the button below, and seats will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Each year, should seats in the Pavilion become available, the same process will be repeated.

The waiting list will close on the 15th October and the successful Members will be contacted by the Member and Supporter Services Team to process their seat reservation.

To join the waiting list, Members need to click the button below and log-in to their online account. Please note that if you have not logged into your online account since 23rd August 2021, then you will need to generate a new password by clicking here.

The waiting list is only available to Members of Surrey County Cricket Club.